Canning Apple Scrap Cider

Home Brew Cider
In this video, I decided to do a little experimenting. I have made jelly from apple scraps before, and had seen a video, on making single batches of apple cider, from peels, and cores, but I could not find anything on canned juice or cider, from scraps. In the beginning, I planned on making NSA juice, but I did not feel the flavor, was right. It needed more. Sooooo let the trial and error commence. I used two and one half gallon bags of peels and cores. I cooked the peels for 24 hours, before straining, and canning. I did add approximately 1 tablespoons of cloves and allspice, in addition, to two cinnamon sticks, and 1 cup of brown sugar. I processed the jars, for 20 minutes, in a water bath. In my opinion, this experiment, was a success, and I will be repeating the process, from now on. In the past, I would have tossed these scraps to the chickens, but now these apples, just served double duty.

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