how to brew

This is easily my best iteration of the classic Irish Red Ale yet! Ready in just about a week, this authentic representation not only absolutely nailed the color, but also was an absolutely delicious take on the style and did not last long on tap! ——————————————————- CLAWHAMMER SUPPLY SYSTEM: ——————————————————- MERCH STORE: ——————————————————-
In this video Rob & Jo take you through the differing ways to make cider at home, Turbo Cider, Fresh from Apple Juice & from Cider Kits. We sell all the equipment needed to brew cider at home as well a wide range of kits with Apple concentrate plus a lot of different cider yeasts.
If you have an old fridge it’s quite easy and cheap to construct your own fermentation fridge (or brewing fridge or fermentation chamber if you will). This will give you much better control over your brews and keep your yeast happy. Happy yeast = happy beer = happy life so grab your drill and get