
In this video Rob & Jo take you through the differing ways to make cider at home, Turbo Cider, Fresh from Apple Juice & from Cider Kits. We sell all the equipment needed to brew cider at home as well a wide range of kits with Apple concentrate plus a lot of different cider yeasts.
The Grainfather G30 was groundbreaking when it was released a few years ago. Over its lifetime there has been some great upgrades and additions to the system and this year we see its third iteration arrive!ᵌ-grainfather-all-in-one-brewing-system We’ve been lucky to get hands on with this system over the last few weeks and in this
This week I take a close look at malts, the four major malt groups and how malts are best used in beer brewing. This is a summary article which incorporates links to more detailed articles on each malt group. The Four Major Malt Groups All of the barley malts used in brewing can be effectively […]
This week I take a close look at the roast malt group, and explain when and why you would want to use these malts in your beer. The Roast Malt Group The roast malt group includes pale chocolate, chocolate malt, carafa I, II and III, black patent malt, red malt and stout roast. These are […]
This week I take a look at the kilned malt group, and explain when and why you would want to use kilned malts in your beer brewing recipes. The Kilned Malt Group As I explained in my earlier article on malting and malt groups, kilned malts are made using the same basic malting process as […]